My wife has started telling me her dreams: 'Mister Magnesium had had his throat cut and the hole was 8" long and he was seven feet tall. I wasn't scared of him although I knew he was trying to kill me because he didn't know that I knew he was trying to kill me.'
'The one the night before had Graydon Carter ("Who?") and load of Vanity Fair parties,' she says.
Somewhere to put the things that I can't put anywhere else.
Mister Magnesium (tm)
Pulp Covers: Spillane
Trying to tidy up the house produced 5 black bags of rubbish and assorted boxes of things to go the charity shop. I can't throw books away so the whole process takes much longer - first, identify them as books I won't read or consult again in my life (or ones that can easily be obtained) then box them up, then wonder whether St Joseph's Hospice round the corner really needs a load of Derrida, Freud and Lacan. I probably should skip and burn them Nazi style.
The big thing is that the house looks as cluttered as ever.
Steve Bowbrick and me by Naomi Woddis circa 1988
Passed Out
This isn't me. It's from the blog of a guy on Flickr that I follow. It's called Los in Baghdad. The passed out guy is in the US Army in Iraq. He's on leave. It feels like it makes my musings on my new iPod/iBook/rain outside my window a wee bit shallow and insignificant.
Time to upgrade
My Italian in Laws
"When I rule the world..."
Scotch Egg Picasso by Yol
The thing that has always struck me since I first encountered Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon, about 25 years ago, was the relationships it posits between the fields of Western and African art and culture. While potentially the creation of the work could have raised all sorts of questions about the role and function of art in different societies and so on, Picasso's masterly PR and marketing machine meant that he remained the focus of the ensuing discussions in art history and criticim for the rest of the century.
This is Yol's interpretation using a Scotch egg, baked potato and baked beans. The willow pattern plate is a nice touch.
Insite Origination: Channel 4
These are some of the sites they've made that I liked:
Traditional Asian Drag Queens
Pickled Cabbage (Serbians in Bradford)
Turban - Harphuman Singh's story